Grey Matter vs Kong

January 10, 2022

Grey Matter vs Kong

When it comes to cloud deployment, organizations have multiple choices for an API gateway. Among those choices are Kong and Grey Matter. While both of these offer unique features and benefits, it may be hard to choose between them for your organization. That's why we have created this comparison guide to help you understand and make the right decision.


Both Grey Matter and Kong offer similar features when it comes to API gateway, including:

  • Request/response transformation
  • Traffic control
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Traffic routing
  • Load balancing
  • Observability

However, Kong provides additional features such as protocol translation and built-in rate limiting, while Grey Matter has features such as multi-cluster deployment, distributed tracing, and service mesh configuration.


When it comes to performance, the numbers speak for themselves. Grey Matter boasts a 98% throughput rate with 80,000 requests per second (RPS) per node, while Kong can handle up to 250,000 RPS. Both offer sub-millisecond latency, but Kong edges out Grey Matter in this area with an average latency of 0.4 milliseconds compared to Grey Matter's 0.5 milliseconds.

Ease of Use

Grey Matter and Kong both offer easy setup and configuration, but because Kong has been around for longer, there is a larger community of users and developers that offer support and resources. However, Grey Matter has been praised for its user-friendly interface and ability to configure and deploy quickly.


When it comes to pricing, Kong offers a freemium model with a free community edition and multiple paid enterprise versions. On the other hand, Grey Matter offers pricing based on enterprise needs, with the possibility of customized pricing to fit each individual organization's needs.


While Grey Matter and Kong offer similar features and performances when it comes to cloud deployment, the choice depends on your organization's specific needs. Kong may be the better option for high-load situations, but Grey Matter may be the better option for those looking for a more user-friendly interface and easy deployment. Regardless of which API gateway you choose, both options offer solid solutions for cloud deployment.


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